Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wednesday, January 29 - Day 89

Today we . . .

"We finished up our backgrounds for our animations on 'how animals keep warm'." - SW

"We used paper and glued on to another piece of paper to make it look like the wild." - NS

"We had story workshop.  I finished writing and built a story today." - RA

"In math, we worked on counting groups up to 100.  It was hard!" - AA (grade 1)

"In math, we worked on subtracting.  Our strategies were counting forwards and backwards." - RG (grade 2)

"We played hockey in gym." - AC

"We went for music." - UT

"We played handshake murderer in music." - EB

"We pretended to be an octopus and swim." - AA

Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday, January 27 - Day 87

Hello Families!  Here's a few snippets from our day . . .

In math, grade one students worked on learning centers practicing skills in sorting by attributes, creating composite shapes, and working on one-to-one correspondence (playing a board game).  Grade two students worked on developing mental math strategies for adding and subtracting.  We have been looking at how to use counting backwards for subtraction and counting on for both subtraction and addition.

We will soon be celebrating the hundredth day of school - just a heads up that students will be asked to bring in a collection of 100 items (for example, 100 beads, or 100 paper clips).  More information will come home in your child's backpack early next week.

In literacy we worked on identifying our sight words in group generated sentences, focused on correct letter formation and basic sentence structure, and worked on our stories in story workshop.  We have been putting an emphasis on ensuring our stories have a character, a setting, and at least one event.  Not all of our stories are problem stories - ask your child the difference between climbing and walking stories.

In science we have been working on firming up our ideas for our upcoming animation residency.  We will be animating how Canadian animals have adapted to stay warm in the winter.  If you are interested in coming in and volunteering for this residency, please send me an email.  We will have two half-days with PAW.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Thursday, January 23 - Day 85

Today we worked on finishing up our visual journal vocabulary pages for Social Studies.  We have been comparing and contrasting urban, rural, and suburban communities.

We started a visual concept sort in Science where students were given the chance to solidify their conceptual understanding of hot and cold.  We are creating visual journal pages that will not only sort objects into a t-chart based but have also been exploring some of the symbolism that is associated with the concepts (red hot, snow, icicles, etc.).

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wednesday, January 22 - Day 84

Today we . . .

"For gym today we went cross country skiing.  We played games." - KN

"In math, the grade 2s played a card game to add and subtract and to count backwards." - RG

"We went skiing.  Today was our last day." - OV

"We had a picnic lunch in the gym." - ML

"We had music.  We got to play 'Duck, Duck, Goose'." - AZ

Monday, January 21 - Day 82

Today we had a great day of learning at the Calgary Zoo!

Tuesday, January 22 - Day 83

Today we enjoyed our first day of skiing!  Everyone had a lot of fun and really enjoyed learning about a new physical activity!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Thursday, January 16 - Day 81

Today we . . .

“We went to the library to exchange books.” – AZ

“We went to gym and played, ‘Skittles’ and ‘Captain’s Coming’.” – AM

“We learned about RURAL communities.” – ML

“Rural communities are like farms.” – OV

“We wrote in our journals to practice our printing.” – MW

“At lunch recess we watched a movie.  It was, ‘Kung Foo Panda’.” – UT

“We had indoor recesses, again, since it was lower than -20.” - SW

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tuesday, January 14 - Day 79

Today we . . .

"We did scooters in gym." - MW

"We went to the learning commons.  William, Keagan, and I built a lego boat." - RA

"We had to stay inside for lunch and recess again because it is freezing." - ML

"We did journals and practiced our printing." - OV

"We practiced our words from 'Words Their Way' and had a spelling quiz." - WB 

Monday, January 13, 2020

Monday, January 13 - Day 78

Today we . . .

"We went to gym.  We played 'Fruit Salad'." - KN

"We had an indoor recess and lunch recess because it was too cold outside." - SW

"We learned about suburban communities and drew it in our journals." - NS

"We did journals.  We wrote about how cold it was.  We are practicing our printing." - WB

"In math we did learning centers." (grade 1) - MW

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Wednesday, January 8, 2020 - Day 75

"We went to the gym and played games." - AZ

"We played 'Sparkle' and skip counted by 5." - AC

"We learned how to count on from ten.  Like how many more than ten - thirteen is three more than ten." - SW

"We did story workshop." - MW

"We went to music and there was a substitute teacher." - ML

Please remember to dress for the weather!  It is very cold outside - please bring gloves/mitts, a hat, and a warm coat.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tuesday, January 7, 2020 - Day 74

Today we . . .

"In the blue books we practiced printing our letters." - AZ

"We went to gym.  We played hockey." - AC

"We had literacy centers.  My group went on Raz Kids on the ipads." - MW

"Yesterday we talked about what we already know about 'Hot and Cold' for science and what we were wondering." - RG

"We played a game called, 'Sparkle' in math.  We had skip count by twos and not get the magic number 20." - AZ

""We went to gym and did some skills in hockey." - SW

"We have to wear very, very warm clothes tomorrow because it's supposed to be very cold." - WB

"Bring a water bottle if you get thirsty." - KR

"Wear boots, a coat, a scarf, hat, and mittens tomorrow." - KN


Dear Students and Families, I am so sad to be writing this final blog post for the 2019/2020 school year.  I know this year of grade 1 and...