Friday, September 6, 2019

September 6 - Day 4

Hello Families!

We ran out of time today to have student reflection on our day - so it's just me!

Today students in grade 1 continued to work on developing their printing skills and recognition of letter sounds - our letter today was the letter S.  So far this week we have also looked at T and A.  Grade 2 students also focused on the letter S as they created their own tongue twisters with a focus on writing complete sentences with capitals and periods. 

Grade 2 students started some work on writing and drawing numbers (die, ten frames, rekenrek beads, tally marks, and base 10 blocks) that will go on the classroom wall as a reference for all students.  Grade one students worked on their "10 Black Dot" booklets as a review of number symbols and number words.

We started working on a multi-media art piece that will eventually serve as covers for our visual journals.  After listening to the story, "Sky Color" by Peter Reynolds, students worked on creating new color combinations with tempra paint to create their own sky background.  Students were encouraged to self-evaluate their work and think about, "how can I make this better."  Can't wait to see the final project!

Also, take a look at our story wall we co-created after reading the book, "You're Finally Here!" by Melanie Watt.


Dear Students and Families, I am so sad to be writing this final blog post for the 2019/2020 school year.  I know this year of grade 1 and...