Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Today was our first day of school!  Some of us had our first whole day at school.  This is how we felt:

"I was excited!" - AA

"I was happy!" - AZ

"I felt excited!" - SW

"I feel good, tired, hot, excited!" - AS

Some of the things we did today were:

"We had an assembly when we first came in." - KR

"We saw the crab.  It was one of my favorites." - NS

"We played puzzles and doing coloring and played with building." - AC

My favorite part was:

"The gym." - EB

"Recess." - ML

"Playing with the animals." - AR

"The gym." - AZ

Tomorrow I hope:

"We go to the gym a million times!" - SW

"Three recesses." - MW

"We go outside for gym." - RG


Dear Students and Families, I am so sad to be writing this final blog post for the 2019/2020 school year.  I know this year of grade 1 and...