These were from yesterday - Orange Shirt Day
"We learned about the 8 year old girl going to residential school." - RA
"The eight year old girl wasn't allowed to go back home until after 2 years." - RG
"Residential schools were not nice places." - AZ
"We drew pictures of what a nice school should look like." - AA
"We were doing balances in gym." - AA
"This is messy. This is UNEXPECTED for our coat room." - OV
"This is super clean. We all cleaned it up. This is what is EXPECTED for our coat room." - KN
"Today we played in the snow and I made two snowman." - JGRS
We have been having lots of fun outside in the snow! But sometimes it takes us a reallllly long time to get ready for recess and we end up missing time outside. It may be beneficial for some kids to practice putting on their snow pants at home so that they are able to do it all by themselves - this should help speed up going outside.
Also, just a reminder that tomorrow is book exchange day and everyone should bring back their library books.