Wednesday, October 16, 2019

October 16

Today we . . .

"We did music and took pictures of ourselves.  We did the song, 'Hello Everybody'". - AM

"In music we played 'poison dart frog'." - SW

"We did pumpkin math to learn which pumpkin is the biggest.  Pumpkin A is the biggest." - AA

"Today at gym we played 'don't throw your trash in my backyard'." -RG

Students are well in the swing of Story Workshop and each child has a specific skill that they are working on (for example, spacing in between words, making sure each word has a vowel, or editing their work for periods and capitals). 

We continued our review of letters and their sounds.  Today we looked at the letter 'R'.  Grade 2 students are continuing to write their own alliterative tongue twisters for each letter. 

I also introduced five new sight words as no excuse words for our writing.  They are:

a, am, I, is, the

In science we explored states of matter through some hands on exploration and observation of ice, water, and steam.

In math we started in inquiry into the concept of "biggest" by looking at several different pumpkins.  We will continue this work by trying to quantify how we know something is the biggest and by collecting and displaying data on the opinions of others in the school community.

Today was also our first day with Ms. Courtney at music!

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Thursday) is our new library book exchange day and that we will be attending a concert at Studio Bell in the morning.


Dear Students and Families, I am so sad to be writing this final blog post for the 2019/2020 school year.  I know this year of grade 1 and...