Hello All!
Today we had an exciting day -
We practiced rotating through literacy centers today. Our game for the day was sorting some nomenclature cards for some of the small crawling and flying things we have been learning about.
Our letter of the day was our last vowel, U. If interested, parents can find all of the songs we have been using to help us learn letter sounds here.
In math, we continued our investigation of pumpkins and worked on how we could quantify which pumpkin was the biggest. We first explored how we could measure height, length, and weight. Each group came up with their own measuring system and as a class we discussed the importance of using the same system so that we could accurately compare the pumpkins. We then standardized our measurement system by using snap cubes and string. We also decided that our pumpkins were too big to be weighed on the balance and used a scale instead. Grade ones are expected to be able to demonstrate an understanding of measurement by comparing and ordering objects. Grade twos are expected to compare objects by length, width, and mass using non-standard units to make statements of comparison.
Here's some of the conversations that were overheard . . .
"I think it was two pounds, or three. It's probably as heavy as my sister. She's one."
"How do we test the weight? Do we get one of those weight thingies?"
After our visit to the library, students helped with a demo on the properties of liquid. So far we have learned that liquids can be poured and that they take the shape of the container that they are in.
For our demo, student helpers came up an mixed red and blue food coloring into honey, measured out some blue dish soap, colored some water green, measured out cooking oil, and colored rubbing alcohol red. The liquids were carefully poured into a glass and it resulted in a rainbow. I didn't remember to take a picture of it before the students asked if we could mix it all together to see what would happen.
Dear Students and Families, I am so sad to be writing this final blog post for the 2019/2020 school year. I know this year of grade 1 and...
Hello Families! Today we worked incredibly hard finishing up our animation projects with QAS. You should have seen how excited everyone w...
Hello Families! I hope everyone is doing well! I've had a few questions about logging into Raz Kids so I thought I'd post a tutor...
Hello Families, Here's just an update of what's happening in the classroom . . . Math Grade 1 - Students have been workin...