Thursday, November 28, 2019

November 28, 2019

Today we . . .

"We went to gym and played 'Fruit Salad' and tried to play the new game, ' Bamba'." - AZ

"We did story workshop.  We are working settings." - MW

"We watched a movie in the art room for lunch recess." - UT

"It was an indoor recess and lunch recess." - CP

"In the gym you made comics or board games." - RG

"The movie was 'Kung Foo Panda'." - AA

"We learned about the shape and it was a circle." - RA

"We learned about mindfulness and we practiced." - OV

Tomorrow is 'Fresh Air Friday'.  If it is warmer than -20 with a windchill we will be going outside!  Please dress warmly!


Dear Students and Families, I am so sad to be writing this final blog post for the 2019/2020 school year.  I know this year of grade 1 and...