Tuesday, February 18, 2020

February 12 - Day 98

Hello Families!

I hope you're all looking forward to the long weekend!

Today in health, we talked about feelings.  We looked at different facial expression cards and tried to identify what the feeling was.  We then spent some time reflecting on when we've felt sad, happy, angry, and scared as part of a writing activity.

In math, everyone got to enjoy centers focusing around sorting by attributes, building composite shapes (hearts) with pattern blocks, exploring how the artist Romero Britto uses patterns by creating our own heart pictures, and using Mathletics.

We rounded out our morning by exchanging our cards.

During the afternoon we worked on "Thank you" notes for Australian firefighters before going to gym and music.

Reminder - !00th Day homework is due on Wednesday, February 19th!


Dear Students and Families, I am so sad to be writing this final blog post for the 2019/2020 school year.  I know this year of grade 1 and...