Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Mathletics Tutorial

Hello Families!

Here's the tutorial for logging onto Mathletics.

Go to the website:  Mathletics

Once you get to the login screen, students can put in their id and password to sign in.  We do not sign in this way in class so students will likely need some help getting started this way.

In class, we have been using QR codes to log in which can be accessed by clicking the blue button that says "click here to activate camera.  If you would like the QR code for your child, send me an email and I will get an electronic copy to you.  You will just need to hold the code up in the red box and the website will log you in.

This is the landing screen when you first login.  Across the top there are four tabs, "Learn", "Explore", "Play", and "Review."  Student most often will use the "Learn" and "Play" tabs.  The avatar builder on the right side of the screen is also popular with kids.

Under the "Learn" tab you will see a variety of topics.  These are the different skills areas where different learning tasks are located.  Each topic will bring out a popdown menu that shows the different tasks.  

Occasionally, only the "Learn" tab will be available for students to click on and the rest will be faded.  This is because they have been assigned work and must complete assigned work before going to other sections.  

The assigned tasks will appear on the main screen and will disappear as they are completed.  At this point, all assigned tasks are tasks that were assigned before the class cancellation on March 16th.  

Some activities will be drag and drop and some will require students to enter a numerical answer.  This can be done on the keyboard or by opening up the number pad option on the screen.  Students can also hear the question read aloud to them by clicking the green speaker symbol.

Once students have answered the question they will need to click "submit".  Students will know they are right or wrong because of the checkmarks and xs .  They will need to click "next" to move onto the next question.  Each assigned task typically has 10 questions.  You can track progress on the left hand side.

The "Play" tab will take students to an online competition space where they can practice number facts in race against other students (classroom, school, and the world) or the computer.  This is a closed space and only user names and school are displayed.

The "Explore" button allows students to look different videos, games, and an online dictionary.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Raz Kids Login Tutorial

Hello Families!

I hope everyone is doing well!  I've had a few questions about logging into Raz Kids so I thought I'd post a tutorial.

Go to the website    raz-kids.com         

You must enter in the Teacher Username that was provided to you.  All students at Ramsay School are in one of the following three classes:


Once you've put in the teacher username, push the green "GO" button.  This will take you to the class page - because our school only has three licenses there are only three teacher names on the classes.  My name is not on the class list - the class page will have another teacher's name at the top.  Everyone in our class will be listed under Jill MacLeod, Drew Jackson, or Sabine Harris (red arrow).  

If for some reason you can't find your child's name in the class, try switching the teacher to one of the other user names (purple arrow).

 I have changed everyone in our class' user names to have Rm5 at the start before their name in an effort to make it easier to find (green circle).  Click on your child's name and it will take them to the password screen.

All grade one students have a picture password.  We have been using Raz Kids in the classroom and everyone should be able to login on their own - I haven't really had to help kids login for quite some time.    Grade two students have a short word for their password - again, they have all been logging on independently for most of the year.

 Once your child has logged in, they will land on a screen that looks like this: 

Purple Arrows -  are where you can find leveled reading books that match where your child is.  The one little building is not there for all students.

Red Arrow  - shows "assignments" or readings and activities that I have requested students do.  At this time we are not updating "assignments" and any assignments that are there are ones that were in place before classes were cancelled on March 16th. 

Green Arrow - where students can go to edit their avatar or build their ship.

Yellow Arrow - where students can find messages directed to them.  These are generated by the program or by myself.

I will be working on a Mathletics tutorial and hope to have that up soon.  Take care everyone!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Tuesday, March 3rd

Hello Families,

Here's just an update of what's happening in the classroom . . .


Grade 1 - Students have been working on developing a conceptual understanding of addition and subtraction. This means that students are really working understanding and thinking about how math works.  When I add one, what does that mean?  Making these connections and making them early will help students to develop the procedural fluency that many of us associate with our own experiences in learning math.

Grade 2 - Students have been working on understanding word problems and understanding the language of math.  Altogether, total, difference, how many are left, etc.   Students have also been developing their skills in explaining their thinking and showing the evidence to support their answers (show your work!).  


We have been working together in small groups to develop our decoding and comprehension skills.  As a class we have continued to work on recognizing our sight words and been building our skills in using phonics to help us read with fluency.

In writing, we have really started to focus on writing stories with all of the important elements - characters, setting, beginning, events, and a conclusion.  Not all of our stories are climbing stories with a problem to solve, often the children enjoy walking stories where they can communicate an experience.  A great example of a walking story is, "Owl Moon" by Jane Yolen.


We have been learning about hot and cold.  We have been using thermometers to take temperature and have really enjoyed thinking about how we can make the red line move.   

Social Studies

We have been exploring the concept of community and what makes up a community.  We have worked on people, places, and activities.  We are shifting our focus a bit and beginning to focus in on Ramsay and what makes it a great community.  We would love to go out on a few community walks to do a little more exploring - please let me know if you are able to join us and have police clearance.


Dear Students and Families, I am so sad to be writing this final blog post for the 2019/2020 school year.  I know this year of grade 1 and...