Monday, October 7, 2019

October 7 - Day 24

Today was a busy day!

Math Centers
We started off with math centers.  Students worked in small groups practicing some of the skills and concepts around patterns that we have been working on over the past couple of weeks.  During center time I will meet with small, targeted groups in a guided math session where I might review and reinforce a concept,  clear up any misconceptions, or challenge kids to push their mathematical thinking.

Story Workshop
Before we started story workshop, we talked about the differences between walking and climbing stories.  Walking stories tell the reader about an event and climbing stories have problems that need to be solved. 

Story workshop has been a wonderful opportunity for me to work one-on-one with students on a variety of outcomes that are specifically targeted to where they are in their writing.  For example, I might discuss spacing between words with one student and then work with another student to develop an understanding of when to apply the various long A spelling patterns.

Today we talked about the difference between equal and fair.  Ask your child about my first aid skills and where I put the bandaid on their imagined injury.  We learned that treating everyone equally doesn't mean that everyone is getting what they need and that we all need different things to be successful.

This is a picture we looked at:
Image result for fair vs equal baseball

We also read the story, "The Invisible Boy" by Tracy Ludwig.
Image result for the invisible boy  Ask your child why Brian was invisible for most of the story.


In continuing the work we started at Ralph Klein Park, we worked on understanding the water cycle and how it works.  After we reviewed it, Students were asked to use the loose parts to create a model and explain how the water cycle worked.  Here are a couple of examples:


Dear Students and Families, I am so sad to be writing this final blog post for the 2019/2020 school year.  I know this year of grade 1 and...